Repeater Fields allow you to create a block of fields that you'd like to repeat, and then insert that block into a form. People would then be able to click on a plus sign to add another block of fields to the form.
Please note that you cannot use form logic on a repeater field.
To get started, you must first create the block of fields you want to repeat. Go to Admin Menu - Forms, and create a new form. The type of form you're going to select is "Repeater:"
The forms tab will allow you to insert the actual fields you want to repeat. Most of the fields with the type of General and Payment are available.
Once you have created your repeater form, you can insert the repeater field into your other form. Any forms with the type of Repeater will show up under the field type of "Repeater:"
Select the repeater field you want to use, and there is an option to limit the number of times someone can repeat the field. If you leave the number as zero, there will be no limit.
After you add the field and save the form, you can view the new field on your form:
When you click on the plus sign, the block of fields you created in the repeater form will appear. If you need to add more blocks, just click the plus sign again. You can also click the X to remove a block of fields:
You can also add a quantity selection that is tied to the repeater. This would allow users to add a new set of repeater fields by choosing a quantity, instead of clicking on the +.
You will need to add one of these fields to the form:
Please note that, when using a quantity dropdown, you will ALSO need to add in the non-quantity field - in this case, "Help Doc Repeater":
This is how the form will look with the quantity select:
You will be able to edit the submissions with repeater fields, and add or remove more blocks there.