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Viewing Form Submissions
There are two places to access the form submissions:
Option 1
- Navigate to Admin > Forms.
- Scroll to the desired form.
- Select 'View Submissions'.
Option 2
- When viewing the form itself, select 'View Submissions'
Form Submission Dashboard
Fields | Descriptions |
1. Submission Info |
Select information about the submission to view with the form submission. Options include:
2. Fields | Select the fields within the form to be viewed in the submission table. |
3. Group Submissions by Field | Allows for the grouping of submissions based on responses to certain field types. Also allows to be grouped by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. Example: Group by Marital Status. |
4. Skip for Empty Field | Allows to skip reporting on a field if it is left blank by the submitter. |
5. Sort by Field | Allows for the sorting of submissions based on responses based on field type. Also allows to be sorted by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. Example: Sort by Last Name Field. |
6. Hide Deleted Fields | Options are Yes or No. |
7. Show Condensed View for Repeater Fields | If Yes, only one repeater field will be displayed in submission table. If No, all repeater fields will be displayed. |
8. Date | View forms submitted within a certain date range. |
9. Search | Use to search for specific words in a form submission |
10. Are Students In | Select from a Term and Class within the School Module (if applicable) |
11. Export | Allows for form submissions visible based on selected filters to be printed. |
12. Mail Merge | Do Not Use. |
13. Print | Allows for form submissions visible based on selected filters to be printed. |
14. Update Filters | Updates form submission results based on filters select. |
Form Submission Statistics
Fields | Descriptions |
1. Number of Submissions |
Displays the total number of form submissions for a specific form. |
2. Number of Accounts | If a user logged in to complete the form, or the form was associated with an account, the number of accounts associated with a specific form will display. |
3. Number of Public | If a user is not logged in to complete a form, the submission is considered Public. |
4. Number Paid | Number of submissions with payment for a specific form. |
5. $ Collected | Amount Collected within a specific form. Shows the total pledged on a form regardless if the full payment was collected at the time of submission. |
Editing a Form Submission
- In the View Submissions screen, scroll to the far right of the submission and select 'Edit'.
- A box will open with the form submission.
- Make any required changes to the submission.
- Delete the Submission, Save the Changes, or Close.
Special Considerations
- If the form submission is public, it can be assigned to a specific account. Otherwise, this field won't be visible.
- The total can only be adjusted by editing the payment selections on the form. If the total is changed by editing the submission, it must be manually updated in the associated account to reflect the updated charges.