As an Admin, you can complete an enrollment for a family, as well as confirm their enrollment and add the charges to their accounts.
To get started, go to "Enrollments" in the Admin Menu, and click on "Start Enrollment."
Select the account you want to enroll, and the term you are enrolling, and click on continue. You then need to choose which people on the account you are enrolling, and what you will be enrolling them for.
When you click "continue" you will get taken to the enrollment page. These questions were set in Admin Menu -> Fields.
Once you have entered all of the information, click "Continue to Deposit" to either pay or bill the deposit to the user's account. This will complete the enrollment.
You will then need to confirm the enrollment and bill the account the charges for the school. Click on "Enrollments" in the Admin Menu, and find the enrollment you want to confirm. Click on "Confirm."
You can review all of the submitted information or edit anything if needed.
If the information is correct, scroll down to preview the account and charges.
- Assign the students to their class.
- If the information on the enrollment is different than what is in the account, you can automatically overwrite the linked fields in the account with the information in the enrollment.
- The charges that are going to be added are next. Verify the date and amount, add a discount (if applicable) and the reversal type (ONLY if you are adding a discount), confirm the notes to be added with the charge, and confirm the charge type.
Once everything is complete, click on "Confirm this Enrollment" to finalize the enrollment and charge the account.
If you do your enrollments outside of ShulCloud and just want to add students to courses, you can do that directly by going to "Terms" and selecting "Courses & Classes" next to the term you're working in. You can then select "Setup Students" next to the course you want to add students to.
As you type in the name of the student you want to add, names in your database will start to populate. Click on the correct name, select the class you want to enroll them in, and then click "Add."
Once you have your list of students, you can click "Save Students" to save your course.