Agree on how to identify current member accounts
The most important first step is to know who your members are. We recommend using the Account Type field in ShulCloud to identify your member accounts.
Define Membership Categories
If you have different membership categories/levels you will need to define them. For example, you may bill family members more than single members, and you may have different rates for seniors, etc.
Standardize Membership Levels in ShulCloud
Utilize the Account Billing Type field in ShulCloud. Create an Account Billing Type for each membership category/level you may have.
Run Member Reports for Validation
From the Admin Menu, Accounts, filter the accounts to show your Member accounts using the Account Type field. In the output section, be sure to include the Account Billing Type Field (if you use it). This will enable you to review a report which includes all your Member Accounts showing their Membership level. Make any necessary changes in ShulCloud to the Account Type or Account Billing Types. If someone is no longer a member, change their Account Type to resigned. The Account Billing Type of an Account may be Single Member; however, they may have married, changed their Account Billing Type from Single Member to Family Member, etc. Be sure to change the Account Billing Type to Unspecified for accounts that are no longer members. Some synagogues use the Account Type field to distinguish membership levels. The report filtering will depend on how you have set up your database.
Determine Annual Basis billing
Are you are on a voluntary pledge model? Do you bill each member’s account?
Determine Billing for Membership Levels
If you are on a voluntary pledge model, create your Annual Pledge Form in ShulCloud. Be sure to map the form to the correct fiscal year charge types. Share it with your congregation utilizing the mail function. If billing your member accounts, create a work sheet which lists each membership level, what they are billed for and how much. Depending on whether you utilize the Account Type or Account Billing Type fields to determine your membership levels, either run the Account Type Report or the Account Billing Type Report. Export into an Excel Document and add additional information. See example below.
Setup New Charge types and map to new FY GL accounts
Each year you should set up year specific charge types for what you bill annually. Example: 2023 Membership Dues, 2023 Security fee, 2023 Sisterhood. Map them to year specific GL accounts if needed.
Determine Rules For Billing
We recommend using the Batch Billing feature. How will you specify the accounts you want to bill? By Account Type? Account Billing Type? Do you have TAGS setup which you want to exclude from your Batch Billing? Each amount and Charge Type will be a separate Batch Billing.
Batch Bill or go live with your Membership renewal form
Simplify billing Statements To Drive Collections
Once your member’s accounts have been billed, utilizing the Mail function, create your billing statements and send them out via email. You can easily create a Pay Here custom login link to include in the email message. This will allow your members to make a secure online payment, or set up scheduled recurring payments. These payments will automatically be posted to their accounts in ShulCloud and the synagogue’s bank account will be funded.