ShulCloud Integrated Payment (SIP) Gateway can refund credit card and ACH/eCheck payments directly in ShulCloud rather than through a separate gateway web portal.
Before You Begin
A full 7 days must pass before the refund will go through. For example, when the payment is collected at 11 AM, you must wait until 11 AM on Day 7 to successfully refund the payment.
If the refund link or the refund processing date is not present, check for one of the following reasons:
- The payment was added through Transaction Add, not via online payments page.
- The payment has already been refunded (either through the gateway or by other means).
- The payment was processed through a manual (non-electronic) gateway.
Refund via the Online Payments Page
- Navigate to Online Payments > Online Payments.
- Use the filters to locate the transaction that needs to be refunded.
- Select VIEW next to the payment to be refunded.
- Scroll to the Transactions details and select edit next to the payment.
- Unapply the payment from the associated charges.
If the entire amount needs to be refunded, uncheck the box next to the applied amount.
For a partial refund, leave the box(es) checked, then adjust the amount(s) applied by the refund amount.
If box is unchecked or if the adjusted amount is incorrectly applied, an error message will display when attempting to save the payment.
When the payment includes a convenience fee charge or payment, those transactions must be adjusted separately by repeating the unapply process.
- Select the blue + icon in the Prepayments, Reversals or New Donations area.
- Enter the date of the refund. The default is the current date.
- Choose Reversal from the Type dropdown.
- Select a Charge/Reversal Type from the dropdown.
- Select the Refund checkbox to return the funds to the payor's credit card or bank account.
- Enter a note regarding the refund (e.g. meant to purchase 2 tickets not 3).
- Enter the amount to refund.
NOTE: If the payment is an ACH/eCheck payment through the Integrated Gateway and the 7-day waiting period to refund has not yet passed, there will be a message stating the date when the payment can be refunded on the gateway. Saving the reversal while this message appears will not return funds to the credit card or bank account.
Refund via the In-Account Transaction Log
- Navigate to the account where the transaction needs to be refunded.
- Select the Transactions tab and use the filters in the Transaction Log to locate the transaction that needs to be refunded.
- Select edit on the payment
- Unapply the payment from the associated charges.
If the entire amount needs to be refunded, uncheck the box next to the applied amount.
For a partial refund, leave the box(es) checked, then adjust the amount(s) applied by the refund amount.
If box is unchecked or if the adjusted amount is incorrectly applied, an error message will display when attempting to save the payment.
When the payment includes a convenience fee charge or payment, those transactions must be adjusted separately by repeating the unapply process.
- Select the blue + icon in the Prepayments, Reversals or New Donations area.
- Enter the date of the refund. The default is the current date.
- Choose Reversal from the Type dropdown.
- Select a Charge/Reversal Type from the dropdown.
- Select the Refund checkbox to return the funds to the payor's credit card or bank account.
- Enter a note regarding the refund (e.g. meant to purchase 2 tickets not 3).
- Enter the amount to refund.
NOTE: If the payment is an ACH/eCheck payment through the Integrated Gateway and the 7-day waiting period to refund has not yet passed, there will be a message stating the date when the payment can be refunded on the gateway. Saving the reversal while this message appears will not return funds to the credit card or bank account.
Reverse Open Amount on Charge via Edit Transaction Page
Once the payment has been reversed/refunded, navigate to the charge to reverse the full or partial amount, in order for the account to not reflect a balance due.
- Edit the charge
Enter the reversal
Select the blue + icon in the Reversals area- Leave the date unchanged
- Choose Reversal from the Type dropdown
- Enter a note for best practice (e.g. refund processed)
- Enter the amount to refund (this can be the full amount of the charge or a partial amount, but should match the amount of the refund).
- Select Save Charge to record the reversal. The reversal activity will be reflected the account's transaction log.