Transaction Reports provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis of a shul's financial data. These reports can be filtered by a combination of charge types, billing types, and account receivables. They offer various grouping options and a range of dynamic date selections.
Transaction Report Options
Options | Report Options Descriptions |
1. Account Activity | First and last transactions. |
2. Account Aging (Outstanding) |
Standard Aging (0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90+) |
3. Account Balances | Balance on accounts. |
4. Account Balances Advanced | Balance of accounts with reversal amounts, prepayments and future charges. |
5. Account Charge/Payment Comparison | Compare Charges vs. Payments for accounts. |
6. Account Receivables | Detailed view of the outstanding invoices or amounts owed. |
7. Accounts Receivables (Old) | Old report - not recommended for use. |
8. Account Reconciliation | Payment allocations by payment method. |
9. Account Types | Count of active account types. Also produces a pie chart. |
10. Charge Comparison | Compare charges across time periods. |
11. Charge Reversals | Overview of which charge types have been reversed, on which account, how many charges reversed for that charge type, and the amount reversed. |
12. Charge versus Payment Bar Chart | A chart of charges versus payments by month. |
13. Charge Types Pie Chart | A pie chart to display the percentage of total charges attributed to each charge type. |
14. Charge Type Accrual Report | Accrued charges by charge type over a specified period. Includes reversals in the period. |
15. Contribution Comparison | Report on line item types side by side. |
16. Charge Types | Reporting on charge types with grouping options. Displays charges, payments, reversals, and balances due on the charge type. |
17. Charge Types (Old) | Old report - not recommended for use. |
18. Payment Comparison | Displays payments by account comparing two fiscal years. |
19. Payment Reversals | Displays payments that have been reversed by payment type, which account, total charges reversed, and the amount reversed. |
20. Site Totals | Totals of all transactions stored on ShulCloud. |
21. Export CSV | Export transaction report to a CSV file. |
22. Export for Mail Merge | Not recommended for use. |
23. Generate Report | When 'Generate Report' is selected, the system will display the filtered report results based on the criteria selected. |
Related Resources
- Transaction Reports: Account Level (Reference)
- Creating Deposits (How To)
- Transaction Log (Reference)