Content Tiles within the Bee Editor provide options to add content in varying forms allowing the user to create beautiful and effective email marketing. The user-friendly drag and drop option will allow you to use them in any order you wish. You can further personalize your Content Tiles by selecting the item and viewing the additional settings on the right.
Content Tiles |
Description |
1. Title | Use this content block for entering titles for your content. As a text block it will allow you to use Merge fields to further personalize your email. |
2. Paragraph |
Use this content block when entering blocks of text and information. This block will allow you to use merge fields to further personalize your email. |
3. List | Use this content block for a bulleted list. |
4. Image |
Use this content block to add an image or gif. You can browse your files that have already been uploaded into ShulCloud’s File Manager. If the image or gif you are looking for isn’t in the File Manager, simply drag and drop it in there. The upload button on the top left will allow you to browse your computer and choose your image or gif. |
5. Button | Use this content block to help your audience take action such as linking to a registration form, or making a donation. |
6. Divider | Use this content block to create a visual separation in your content. You can choose to create a transparent divider as well as creating a visual divider. |
7. Spacer | Use this content block to create space within your content. |
8. Social | Use this content block to easily add links to your social media accounts. |
9. HTML | Use this content block to add custom HTML to your email content. Be mindful that this should only be used by those that are experts in HTML. |
10. Video | Use this content block to link to a YouTube or Vimeo video. A URL is needed and a static preview of the video will be visible and you have the option to choose a play icon. |
11. Icons | Use this content block to add an icon to your email content. |
12. Menu |
Use this content block as a menu for your audience such as linking to the My Accounts Feature, back to the Shul homepage, or to your donate page. |
Text Formatting
Content Tiles |
Description |
1. Font Features |
Options include:
2. Font/Highlight Color |
Select a color for the font or to highlight the font in. Select the palate for a specific color picker and the option to enter a hex code |
3. Superscript and Subscript |
Superscript: For mathematical exponents, footnotes, or ordinal numbers like 1st or 2nd. Subscript: For chemical and physical formulas, or to display symbols like trademarks or copyrights |
4. Special Characters/Emoticons/Nonbreaking space |
Select from a library of special characters
Emoticons Or add a non-breaking space. |
5. Minimize/Expand | Minimize or expand the text formatting tools. |
6. Clear Formatting | Clear formatting of text. |
7. Link/Unlink |
Select to link to a URL, Email address, File in the File Manager, or phone number to call/send SMS message to. |
8. Merge Fields | Select from Account related merge fields and Field Templates to personalize the messages in the content. |
9. Special Links |
Select Login to send recipients to a URL that needs to be accessed via account login such as membership information or a form to be completed. Do not copy and paste a login link, as each link is unique to the email associated with that specific link. Use the LOGIN LINK token so a new link is generated for the specific recipient. Select Payment to link directly to the ShulCloud payment page to encourage donations and payments. |