[onshow..now;frm='mmmm dd, yyyy']
Dear [first_name],
The Yahrzeit or anniversary of the passing of your beloved [mourner_to_deceased_relationship], [yahrzeit_deceased], takes place on the evening of [night_before_day_of_week] corresponding to the Hebrew date, [lifecycle_hebrew_date], and ends at sundown on [day_of_week], [month_full_eng] [day_eng], [year_eng]. You may wish to light a Yahrzeit candle for twenty-four hours beginning at sundown on [night_before_month_full_eng] [night_before_day_eng], [night_before_year_eng]. May the Yahrzeit candle serve as a reminder of the warmth and light which your loved one offered to you. YOUR SYNAGOGUE provides Yahrzeit candles for all its members as a service, and we encourage you to contact the Temple office to make the necessary arrangements.
Our temple family joins in expressing its sincere respect. Therefore, the name of your departed will be read during Kaddish at our Service on Friday evening [parsha_date_friday].
Many people choose to remember their loved ones by making a contribution in their memory to the synagogue. In this way, we affirm the meaning of life and support those higher causes and ideals with which our departed identified. You may donate safely online at: [copy your donate link here]
Please note: If you would prefer to receive notifications by mail, please contact our office or edit your preference in your ShulCloud Account.
May you and your family be spared future sorrow and find inspiration in the memory of your loved one.