ShulCloud is pleased to present our new Help Center to our customers! We hope it will become a valued resource for you and your colleagues. Here are a few features of the new system that we think will enhance your ShulCloud experience:
Improved Article Searches. Our old help manual could only search through article titles. The new ShulCloud Help Center will search through article content, making it easier to find what you need in one try.
One-Stop Searching. Written instructions and videos can be found in one place, so you no longer have to search twice for each question you have. (Pro-tip: if you only want video results, add the word "video" to your search.)
You Can Give Feedback. At the end of each article or video, you can tell us whether the information was helpful, so we can continue to improve our Help Center's usefulness for you.
Easy Training Access. Need some training or want to get in on an upcoming webinar? The calendar is front and center on the Help Center home page.
This new look for our Help Center - along with its new and enhanced features - is only the first step. In the coming months we'll be overhauling the content - updating some articles, publishing new ones on topics that haven't yet been covered, and culling out-dated information.