In addition to ShulCloud's built-in Subscriber lists, you can add new lists to target specific mailings for specific reasons. The global, built-in lists cannot be deleted:
- Announcements: Most flexible subscriber list. By default, every site user is subscribed.
Billing: Allows you to generate a list of all accounts with an outstanding balance and generate outstanding statements. More info on that here.
- Campaigns: If you are running a dinner, raffle, Purim or other campaign, you can generate a list of people based on their registration status.
- Contribution: Used to create receipts or invoices for specific payments or charges.
- Dedication Notifications: To create mailings based on dedicated donations. Can be used to send mail to the donors or the honorees.
- Event Seating: If you are using the Event Seating module, use this list to send mail based on a submission status.
- Events: Can be used to send mail to people who registered for an event.
- Forms: Can be used to send mail to people who made a form submission.
- Fundraising Goals: If you are using a fundraising campaign, can be used to send mail based on the goal's status.
- High Holiday Seats: Send mail to your members based on their High Holiday seating status.
- Lifecycles: To send your yahrzeit letters, or mail based on other lifecycle events.
- Schedule: You can send out a weekly schedule that will automatically pull upcoming events and schedule rules into the body of your mailing.
- Tax Letter: To send out your annual tax statements.
If you want to add a new list, click on "Add New" on the top of your list:
List Type: You can choose to set your list as an Opt-In list, meaning that people have to specifically choose to join, or Opt-Out, meaning that they are automatically added and must choose to remove themselves. Once you create this list, the list type cannot be changed.
- To add a person to an opt-in list, go to the person's account, and edit the person. Select the person's Contact tab, and check off the box next to the new subscriber list. Then save the changes to the person.
- Name: The name of your new subscriber list.
- Send by Email/Paper Mail: Choose what you want to use this subscriber list for. If an option is unchecked, then you won't be able to choose to send mail to this list using that method.
- Logged in user can subscribe/unsubscribe self to this list: By checking this box, this list will show up in the "My Subscriptions" area in each user's account, and they will have the option to add themselves to or remove themselves from this list.
- Public site visitor can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list: By checking this box, this list will be available to the public, and they will have the option to add themselves to or remove themselves from this list.
To upload a new list, you will need the subscriber list in a csv format. Select "upload new list". Click on "Choose a file", and select the file.
Check off either "Add to new mailing list":
or "add to existing subscriber list":
Then you will see options for:
- Send by Email
- Send by Paper Mail
- Logged in user can subscribe/unsubscribe self to this list.
- Public site visitor can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list.
Resubscribe all currently unsubscribed people: If you are adding the list to an existing list, this option will allow you to resubscribe anyone who has previously unsubscribed from that list.
You will see a list of all of the columns in your spreadsheet, with a dropdown selection next to each one. You can choose what to link each one to. Please note that each cell needs to be filled out for each column that you link. For example, if you link the "last name" column, but fifty out of 200 rows have that column empty, only the other 150 rows will be imported. If you do not link the "last name" column though, the 50 rows will be imported.
Once the list is uploaded, the system will look for matching emails in each account. Any account that has a match will automatically be linked, and the person with that email will be subscribed to the list.
You will see the list as an option on Step 1 of a new mail.