Sometimes, the congregation may want to ensure that all online payment plans for a specific charge type end by a certain date.
For example, school payments must be completed mid-year, or building fund payments must be completed by the end of the fiscal year.
This is often used instead of setting a max number of recurring payments, since this can be done at a charge type level, but the maximum number of recurrences is only set at the gateway level.
Here are the steps to ensure that a payment plan cannot be set up past a certain date:
- In admin menu -> Settings -> Edit Settings -> Payment Page, make sure that "Account Payments - Allow Selecting Allocations" is set to yes
- Also in the Payment Page section of settings, set "Payments with due dates must conclude by due date" to yes
- edit a charge type in admin menu -> My Lists -> Charge Types. Then add in a date for "recurring payments must end by"