This help document introduces each of the options in Settings. To jump to a specific section, click on the appropriate title below:
Shul & Location Details
Accounts and People
Logged-In Member Options
Default Title Salutation
Member Directory
Dedications & Honorees
Gabbai Options
Zman Rules
CMS Pages
Audio Libraries
Payments and Donations
Credit Card Display
Other Financial Options
Statement Options
Tax Mode
Tax Statements
Other Site Options
Site Sponsor
Social Network Integration
Shul & Location Details
- Name - How the name is listed throughout the site
- Address - Used to generate your coordinates for zmanim and is inserted into your statements and emails
- Coordinates - To set the physical location of your shul so the zmanim are as accurate as possible
- Email - Inserted into statements, and is the default email sender for login links, statements and mailings (to add a new email address, click here)
- Tax-ID - Can be added to your statements by default
- Require users to set a password on first login - Will require anyone logging in to the site for the first time to set their password before doing anything else.
- Browser Verification - If set to yes, an email will be sent to the user's email address when the system doesn't recognize the browser they are trying to log in from. This is ALWAYS on for ADMINS, but can be set to yes or no for regular users.
- Login Links - If set, the link will expire and no longer work after a certain amount of hours.
- Timeout Sessions - Will log a user out after a certain amount of minutes of inactivity. THIS APPLIES FOR ADMIN ACCOUNTS AS WELL AS REGULAR USER ACCOUNTS.
Accounts and People Options
- Allow Public to Register for Account: Will display a "Register Now" link on the top of the page when someone is not logged in. If turned on, you can use the default form or make your own form.
- Send Logged-In Person Changes: Have one or more admins notified whenever a non-admin edits their own profile or account.
- Admin Account View Tab Order: When you go to view someone's account, you will see all of the tabs listed above. Some will show by default (left column) and some will need to be accessed by clicking on a menu (right column).
Note: It is NOT NECESSARY to show ALL tabs by default! This will make your admin view too cluttered and inaccessible!
Logged-In Member Options
Default Title Salutation
If no salutation is set in a profile, this will override the empty salutation and add a default.
Member Directory
Controls all the settings for the member directory. The Admin version of the directory can be accessed even if this is shut of by going to Admin Menu - Membership Directory.
- Show Directory - Turn on the directory for logged in users.
- Accounts Listed - The account types that will display in the directory.
- Visible To - The account types and tags that can view the directory.
- Show Account Type and Join Date - You can turn on that info and limit it to people with only certain tags.
- Allow people to export - Allows all people (or only certain account types and tags) to export the directory or not.
- Allow pictures - Each family would be able to upload one picture for their account.
- Default Directory Views - As the admin, set the default view people see in the public and admin directories.
- Primary/Secondary Address Type - Can display one or more addresses on the top of each account.
The options for each item that can be displayed are broken down as follows:
- Yes means that this item will be displayed by default. Users will have the option to turn it off.
- No will not show the item by default, but the user can change that to yes.
- Never means that it won't show by default, and the user cannot choose to have it displayed.
- Apply now to existing will override any changes anyone has made and set that option to yes, no or never.
*NOTE: To ensure sharing child photos is a deliberate choice, “Yes” cannot be the default.
Dedications & Honorees
- Automatically Send Emails - When a user fills out the dedication, this will either send an email automatically or not. Turn off if you will send them yourself.
- Field Temple to Use - This it the name format for the Newsletter view.
- Ask for Display Name - Allow donors to enter a name different than the name listed on their account (example - John and Jane Doe and Family).
- Have All Donations Produce Dedication Record - This will allow admins to keep track of ANYTHING entered as a donation, even if there's no dedication.
- Send New Dedications to Emails - Have one or more admins get notified every time a donation with a dedication is made.
Gabbai Options
Zman Rules
- Nusach/Custom - Changes the way some holidays are displayed and if they are over two days or just one.
- Parsha On Calendar - There are some weeks were the parsha is different in Israel vs. the USA and Canada. Use this option to set which country should be used.
- Show Candle Lighting - Will show candle lighting on Friday and all applicable holidays by default. The options right after will set how that time is calculated.
- Show Havdalah - Will show havdalah on Saturday and at the end of all applicable holidays. The options after will set how that time is calculated.
Please consult your Rabbi before making any changes to these settings.
Visible For - Which account types will have their lifecycles displayed.
Admins See - Can override the options you choose above to see all lifecycle types, only those selected above, or only their own.
Account Types selected see - For those account types you selected above, this will set which lifecycle events they will see.
Everyone else sees - Will set what people who are not an admin or one of those selected account types will see.
Yahrzeit English Observance - Can allow yahrzeits to be observed on the English date of death rather than the default Hebrew date.
Yahrzeit Adar Observance on a Leap Year - If a yahrzeit is set to take place in Adar I or Adar II in a leap year, it will take place that month. However, if it is set as only Adar, you must set if it should take place in Adar I (default), Adar II, or both months. This setting can be overridden on a specific yahrzeit.
30 Adar I Observance on a non-leap Year - By default, a yahrzeit falling on 30 Adar 1 in a non-leap year will be observed on 30 Shevat. Optionally, this can be set to be observed on 1 Nissan. This setting can be overridden on a specific yahrzeit.
CMS Pages
- Show Events on Widget - When creating a new event, have the option to show on widgets selected by default or not.
- When Admin Registers - You can choose to have emails to the member turned off.
Audio Libraries
- Printable Format - Set the way the name of the event and the time will print.
- Fill Up Page - Will stretch or shrink the calendar to fit on one page or not.
- Calendar Colors - If using custom calendars, you can set a custom color for each. This sets what to do with that color in the name of your events.
- Wrap/Trim Event Text - If the event name is too long, should it stay on one line, wrap to the next line, or trip and add ellipsis.
- Holidays Shown - Set which holidays you want to show on the calendar.
- Include Minyanim on Minyan Finder - Have your Schedule Rule minyans show in the ShulCloud Minyan Finder.
- Transaction Add Emails - When adding a transaction, an email can be sent to adults on the account who have the billing person permission. If you want them sent automatically by default, set this to be checked. If you want to have them off by default, set to unchecked, and if you want the whole email option hidden, select uncheck and collapse.
- Custom Tax-Deductible Amounts - Each charge type has a percentage or amount that is tax-deductible that can be set in My Lists. If you want to be able to override that percentage or amount on a charge or payment basis, set this to yes.
Payments and Donations Page
- Allow payments from Open Payments on Account - If someone making a payment has an open payment or prepayment on their account, you can allow them apply those open payments to the new charges.
- Non Logged In People Can Donate - Makes the Payment Page visible to logged in users only or everyone.
- Allow Selecting Allocations - When a logged-in user is making an account payment, setting this to yes will allow them to see what they are paying for and select how they want the payment allocated.
- Payments with due dates must conclude by due date - Setting this to yes would prevent people from scheduling payments AFTER the due date on a charge.
Credit Card Display
This will set the display option for saved cards on member's accounts.
Deposit Page
- Only Show Payments Dated After - Will hide everyone on the deposit before this date.
- Deposit Dee Charge Type - If set, there will be a field on the deposit page to deduct a fee from a deposit.
Other Financial Options
- Billing Email Defaults - If set, will replace the site email with this email for all billing related emails.
- Convenience Fee Charge Type - When someone makes an online payment, the credit card fee will be linked to this charge type.
Statement Options
- SubLine Mode - Full Detail will show a charge, and then each individual payment, scheduled payment or reversal (if applicable). Summary mode will list the charge, and then summarize the total amount paid, scheduled and reversed.
Tax Mode
Allows you to turn on CRA Mode (for Canadian shuls) or enable Gift Aid (UK shuls).
Tax Statements
Each Line - Will either show each individual payment or a summary of what was paid to each charge type.
PLEASE NOTE: If using the Charge Type Summary option, you may only select "Show Only Tax Deductible." -
Show Tax Deductible Components - Will either show a column with the tax deductible amount, or a column for both deductible and non-deductible amounts.
PLEASE NOTE: If show both deductible and non-deductible amounts, you may only select "Individual Payments" for each line.
- Show Associated Charges - Show what the payment is applied to.
Other Site Options
- Mobile visitors see - How the website will appear on mobile devices. Responsive will resize the desktop site to the screen being used. Override Mobile Template will reformat the site into a mobile-friendly lighter site. Desktop Only will give the same view as the desktop without resizing. If the template is already responsive, you won't need to make a selection.
- Mobile Announcement emails - Need to send quick emails without using the ShulCloud web interface on your mobile phone? We support sending email to which would take the email, put it in as a draft to your announcements list and send you a verification email for approval. Once you approve, the email sends out like normal. You need to email support to enable/unlock this feature. By default, emails are blocked and you will get a relay issue.
Checklist - Sets if you will continue to see the setup checklist before it's completed or not.
Google Analytics - Allows you to track traffic to your site. For more information, visit - Admin Menu Quick Search - If you use quick find field next to Accounts in the Admin Menu, you can have the system open a new tab or stay in the same window.
- New Mail, Auto Load Recipients - When you create a new mailing, "yes" will auto load everyone on that mailing list. Select "no" to start with an empty recipient list.
- Activate EU Cookie Disclosure - Turns on a notice that the site collect cookies, as per EU law.
Site Sponsor
Social Network Integration
Allows you to link your ShulCloud site with your shul's Facebook page. For more info about generating the App ID and Secret, see this document from Facebook.
After your created your App by the article above you will be able to receive the Facebook App ID and the Facebook App Secret.
After you filled the information out you have to add the product in Meta For Developers.
Now that you have the product added please make sure you have the settings for Login with the JavaScript SDK - Yes; and Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK which has to have your ShulCloud sites URL. Do not forget to save!