SHWR-17820 Fixed an issue in the mobile payments app where transactions succeeded on Stripe but were not properly recorded in ShulCloud, in part or in whole.
SHWR-16990 Fixed an issue in transactions where a fee on fee was added to future or recurring payments when not permitted by the gateway with a mandatory fee.
SHWR-14928 Fixed an issue where returned ACH payments were breaking autobatching.
SHWR-8587 Fixed an issue where batch payments were not recognizing tags.
SHWR-12484 Fixed an issue in campaigns where the final total did not include added recipients when the user opted to defer billing to close.
SHWR-16986 Fixed an issue in Gift Aid where the search field did not work.
SHWR-17861 Fixed an issue where the site sponsor no longer appeared.
SHWR-17610 Fixed an issue in the new admin menu on the mosaic template where an elongated area appeared across the top.
SHWR-14102 Fixed an issue in the file manager where the image preview appeared out of scope on the screen.
SHWR-16985 Fixed an issue in fundraising goals where the new admin menu did not appear for solicitors or goal-specific admins of a fundraising goal.
SHWR-17042 Fixed an issue in the Admin Member Directory "Print" function to properly exclude the top bar, header, banner, side menu, and footer elements.
SHWR-17043 Fixed an issue on the Batch Detail screen to properly excludes the top bar, header, banner, side menu, and footer element when printing.
Added a "You have been logged out" message for when a session expires, prompting users to log in again to continue using ShulCloud.
Enabled "Save to Calendar" functionality for Mobile Member App users viewing an event landing page through the app.
- Updated "Our ShulCloud Account page (pay.php) to utilize the new billing portal. If a site displays the billing portal link, this feature is enabled.
Improved the top bar search functionality: after selecting "Account" or "People" as the search target, the cursor now automatically moves to the search box, eliminating an extra click.
Updated the Mobile Member App admin to allow admins to display up to 20 upcoming events on the app home screen.
Enhanced site navigation in mobile responsive view: the site navigation menu is now accessible from the admin side menu, and admin side menu access is integrated into the site navigation menu.