Before You Begin
Transactions can be added on the account level or the database level.
- To add transactions on the account level, navigate to the account where the transaction needs to be added. On the right side of the Account page, under the Actions, select Add Transaction.
- To add transactions on the database level, navigate to the Financials feature and select Transaction Add.
Account Selection
The first step in allocating a transaction in ShulCloud is selecting the account where the transaction will be allocated. If a transaction is added on the account level, this section will be prepopulated with the account name.
Field | Description |
1. Account Name |
Select the account where the transaction will be added by typing any part of the account name in the search box. If a transaction is added on the account level, the account name will be pre-filled. |
2. Show Transactions | Select to view transactions associated with the account. |
3. Balance Today/Total Balance | The balance as of today's date and the total balance on the account. |
4. Go to account | Select to open a new tab with the account page. |
5. Type of Transaction |
Select the type of transaction to be entered.
Add a Transaction
- Under Type of transaction, designate if the transaction should be a Payment, Donation, or Charge.
- Enter the information pertaining to the transaction.
- If applicable, allocate the transaction.
- Allocate a charge to an open payment, or allocate a payment to an open charge.
- If entering a donation, select the appropriate charge type under Donation to: where the payment should be applied.
- Determine if communication regarding the transaction should be sent.
- If yes, ensure the appropriate communication options are selected.
- If the values entered for this transaction should be kept for the next transaction to be entered, select the checkbox.
- Save the transaction to the account by selecting Save and go back to account or Save and add another.
Entering Charge Information
Transaction Add - Charge enables the admin to enter all charge information and then allocate the charge to an open payment, if available, or to record an open charge on an account.
Fields | Description |
1. Charge Type | Select the charge type where the payment should be allocated. |
2. Amount | Add the charge amount here. |
3. Date | Date the charge will appear on a statement. |
4. Split into Multiple Charges | Divide the charge into a specific number of charges and select the frequency of the charge (Monthly, Quarterly, etc.). The amount entered should be for the full amount of the charge. |
5. Tax Deductible Amount |
Edit the amount of the charge that is tax deductible, if different than the amount set in the charge type listing. |
6. Due Date | Add a date by which the charge needs to be paid. |
7. Due Date Quick Links | Allows for the quick selection of due date: immediately, within 30 days, within 60 days, within 90 days, or by the end of the current fiscal year. |
8. Notes | Details entered here will be visible on a receipt or statement. |
9. CRM Notes | Details entered here will be visible only to synagogue administrators with a CRM permission. |
10. Attachments | Use for forms or details submitted with the charge not captured in ShulCloud. ShulCloud does not recommend adding a copy of the check here. |
11. Quantity | Quantity of tax deductions (ideal for a gala where tickets have their own deductions). |
12. Solicitor | Add the name of a person listed in ShulCloud to provide them with credit for soliciting the donation. See Fundraising (Feature) for more information. |
13. Dedication | Add dedication information. Include who should be contacted, if provided, prior to the charge being added to an account. |
Allocating the Charge (if applicable)
Once charge information is entered, an allocation can be made to an open payment, or be left as an unpaid charge on the account.
Fields | Description |
1. Open Payments | Any open payments on the account will be visible here. Use the checkbox to select the payment where the charge should be applied. |
2. Auto Apply | Automatically apply the charge to open payments, oldest to newest. |
3. Unpaid Amount | Shows the amount of the charge that still needs to be paid, less the amount applied to open payments, if applicable. |
Entering Payment or Donation Information
Transaction Add - Payment enables the admin to enter all payment information and to allocate the payment to an existing charge, to enter it as a prepayment, to apply a payment to a new donation/charge, or to record an unallocated payment on an account.
Transaction Add - Donation enables the admin to enter all payment information and allocate the payment to a new charge on an account.
Field | Description |
1. Amount | Add the payment amount. If a payment is being split, the full amount to be paid should be entered. |
2. Paid By Account | Use only for third party payments. For example, if a grandparent is paying for a grandchild's religious school, or if another account should receive tax credit for paying a charge on this account. |
3. Date | Date the payment will appear on a statement. |
4. Split into multiple Payments | Divide the payment into a specific number of payments. The number of payments and frequency can be determined. (See detail below) |
5. Payment Method |
Select the gateway through which to process the payment. |
6. Add Payment method to this gateway |
Enter the details of the payment method and save to the account. |
7. Payment Type |
If the payment will not be processed through the gateway, select the type of payment for the transaction such as cash, check, or credit card. |
8. Check # / Txn ID |
If the payment is a check, enter the check number. If the payment was taken via an outside processor such as PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo, enter the transaction ID. |
9. Notes |
Details entered here will be visible on a receipt or statement. |
10. CRM Notes |
Details entered here will be visible only to synagogue administrators with a CRM permission. |
11. Attachments |
Add paper forms that may have been mailed with a check here. ShulCloud does not recommend adding a copy of the check here. |
12. Stage to Deposit | Option to designate all payments that should be batched together into a single deposit. You will be able to review and edit the stage when completing the deposit. |
13. Solicitor | Only visible when adding a donation. Add the name of a person listed in ShulCloud to provide them with credit for soliciting the donation. See Fundraising (Feature) for more information. |
14. Dedication | Only visible when adding a donation. Add dedication information. Include who should be contacted, if provided, prior to adding the charge to an account. |
15. Quantity Taxed |
Only visible when adding a donation. Quantity of tax deductions (ideal for a gala where tickets have their own deductions). |
16. Donation to |
Only visible when adding a donation. Select the charge type where the payment should be allocated. |
17. Split | Only visible when adding a donation. If the payment should be allocated to more than one charge type, split the donation into multiple charge types (see detail below). |
18. Amount Tax Deductible | Only visible when adding a donation. Edit the amount of the charge that is tax deductible, if different than the amount set in the charge type listing. |
Split into Multiple Payments
Field | Description |
1. into |
Select the number of payments the full amount should be split into. |
2. Frequency | Select the frequency in which the payments will be made. |
Allocating the Payment
Once payment information is entered, allocations can be made to an existing charge, a new donation, a prepayment, or can be left as a credit on the account.
Fields | Description |
1. Open Charges | Any open charges on the account will be visible here. Use the checkbox to select the charge where the payment should be applied. |
2. Auto Apply | Automatically apply the payment to open charges, oldest to newest. |
3. Donation or Prepayment |
Allocate the payment to a new donation/charge, or enter it as a prepayment for a future donation/charge. Donation refers to payments made where the charge doesn't already exist.
Prepayment refers to payments made in advance. Steps to Add Prepayment
Save and Add Another for cash or paper check Continue to Online Payment for credit card or ACH/eCheck |
4. Leave Open | Shows the payment amount not allocated towards an open charge, donation, or prepayment. This is considered a credit on the account. |
Split Donation to Multiple Charge Types
Field | Description |
1. Back to Single |
Allocate the payment to one charge type. |
2. Blue + | Add another line for each charge type where the payment should be allocated. |
3. Red X | Remove the line for that specific charge type allocation. |
4. Date | Date the charge will appear on a statement. |
5. Charge Type | Select the charge types where the payment should be allocated. |
6. Dedication | Add dedication information. Include who should be contacted, if provided, prior to the charge being added to an account. |
7. Notes | Details entered here will be visible on a receipt or statement. |
8. Quantity | Quantity of tax deductions (ideal for a gala where tickets have their own deductions). |
9. Tax Deductible | Edit the amount of the charge that is tax deductible, if different than the amount set in the charge type listing. |
10. Amount | Amount of the payment to be allocated to this charge type. |
For each transaction added to ShulCloud via Transaction Add or on the account level, admins can communicate with the people on the account to send acknowledgement of the payment, donation, or charge added.
This section occurs after selecting the account and entering the transaction information.
Fields | Description |
1. Send to billing email address | Check this box to send communication regarding the transaction. The billing address will be displayed. Communication will only send when Save and Add Another button is pressed. |
2. More Emails | Add additional email addresses to send the communication, even if they aren't in ShulCloud. Press Add for the email address to appear and be part of the recipient list. |
3. Subject | Subject line of the email (default is shown). See Template Text information. |
4. Body | Body of the email (default is shown). See Template Text information. |
5. Overwrite with Default | Restore email body text with ShulCloud default language. See Template Text information. |
6. Mail Merge Tags | ShulCloud tokens that can be placed in the body of the email. Tokens will pull in information from the account and transaction. |
7. Attach Receipt | Check this box to provide an attached receipt along with the text in the email. |
8. Draft Mode | If selected, a receipt ID will not be associated with the receipt and the communication will not be tracked. Typically used in Canada. |
9. Attach Thank You Letter | Check this box to attach a thank you letter in addition to the text in the email. See Template Text information. |
10. Attach Outstanding Statement | Select this box to include an outstanding statement for the account. |
11. Send these attachments to myself (so I can print) | If the account holders prefer paper mail, select this box to send the email and attachments to the admin for printing and mailing. |
12. Save and Add Another | Select to save the transaction to the account. If the checkbox next to Send to billing address is checked above, the communication regarding the the transaction will be sent. |
13. Keep values for next transaction | Check this box to keep field values in the transaction area that may be the same for the next transaction such as amount, payment type, charge type, and date. |