To add a new Charge Type, go to Admin Menu - My Lists, select "Charge Types" from the drop down, and click "Add New" on the top of the list.
- Name: The name of the charge type.
- Parent: If this is a top level type, don't make any selection. However, if you would like to have list listed as a sub-type underneath another charge type, you can make that selection here.
- Default Amount: You can set a default amount for the charge type here, and when you go to Transaction Add and select this charge type, that default amount will load automatically.
Tax Letters
- Tax deductible: Allows you to set how much of each charge is tax-deductible. For more info, click here to read about how ShulCloud handles tax-deductible amounts.
Online Payments
- Show on Donation Dropdown: Will display this charge type on the donation page and allow people - logged in and not - to donate towards that charge type.
- Recurring Payments Must End By: If you enter a date here, anyone setting up scheduled payments for this charge type will be required to schedule all payments by this end date.
- VAT/GST: Used to indicate that the charge type has a VAT or GST component (not used in USA).
- Only for Structure: By selecting this, you can set the charge to NOT accept new charges. Intended to be used if the charge type is a Parent charge type, and you want charges added only to the children/sub charge types.
Special Charge Types: Allows you to designate this charge type as a "Special" charge type. When you create statements, you will then have the option of excluding this charge from a statement, or generating a statement ONLY for this charge.
- For example, you billed someone $100,000 for the Building Fund. Designate the Building Fund as a Special Charge Type, and then you can exclude that $100,000 from their annual dues statement and create a statement that shows only the $100,000 for the Building Fund.
Financial Export
- Quickbooks Account: If linked to Quickbooks, this is the account in Quickbooks that this charge type will link to.
- External Billing ID: If in manual sync mode, this will show the number of the account you are linked to for your export.