The Processing Fee Invoices page lists charges a synagogue receives from ShulCloud for the use of the Integrated Gateway. Shuls are only charged for payments processed through the integrated gateway. There is not a monthly charge if the gateway is not used.
Integrated Gateway Invoices
Fields | Description |
1. Date Selection |
Select the number of months to view Integrated Gateway Invoices. Options include:
7. Invoice Overview |
Invoice ID: Unique invoice ID. Posted Date: Date invoice was posted to account. Paid Date: Date invoice was paid. Invoice Amount: Total due for invoice. View Invoice: Opens a new window displaying the invoice details. See image below. |
Invoice Details
Fields | Description |
1. Print Invoice |
Provides option to print to PDF or a printer. |
2. ShulCloud Information |
Displays ShulCloud as the company providing the invoice. |
3. Invoice Number |
Specific invoice number, PO#, and date of the invoice |
4. Bill To |
Displays the name of the congregation billed. |
5. Monthly Volume Processed |
Displays the total amount processed through the ShulCloud gateway for the month. |
6. Combined Fees |
Displays accrued fees based on the monthly volume processed. |
7. Payment Terms |
Displays how the invoice is paid. All congregations are on auto-draft. |
8. Soft Descriptor |
Displays the name of the congregation billed. |
9. Summary of Item Description |
Displays a summary of how payments were collected throughout the month, such as:
10. Volume |
Amount collected through the gateway for each item for that month. |
11. Fee Amount |
Fee charged to congregation based on volume of each item. |
12. Date |
Date of processing fees - Item description & volume are totaled for the day. |
13. Item Description |
Matches one of the four categories listed in Summary of Item Description. |
14. Volume |
Amount of each item for the date listed. |
15. Fee Amount |
Fee charged to congregation based on volume the item for the specific date. |
16. Total Fees |
Total fees incurred in the month. |
17. Invoice Date |
Date of invoice (Duplicate of information from top of invoice). |
18. Terms |
Displays how the invoice is paid. All synagogues are on auto-draft (Duplicate of information from top of invoice). |
19. Customer ID |
Unique ShulCloud Customer ID. |
For questions regarding your Payment Fee Invoice, please contact Support at
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