Currently only available for our US based shuls.
ShulCloud has built into its mail and email module the ability to also send SMS text messages to your membership and lists. You can quickly and effectively create your text messages and then send them to your members based on the targeting criteria you are looking for.
For example, if you have people enrolled in a shiva minyan list - you can send out a text message to those on the list if you need a couple more people to make a minyan at the shiva home.
You can send alerts about an eruv being down or other urgent and important notices can be send via text message.
The best part, it is all part of the same interface you already love within the ShulCloud mail module.
Pricing and activation:
The monthly cost of this service is $35 which includes 2000 messages. The SMS will allow you to use 150 characters/text message.
If you would like to send additional messages, we can provide 650 credits for $10. To discuss custom pricing for high volume needs or activate this feature contact our support or sales team.
All unused credits expire at the end of the month.
Interested? contact our support or sales team.
Navigate to Communications > Legacy Mail to send an SMS text message. Then click on SMS and continue:
If you find that your text messages are blocked, kindly ensure that you adhere to the guidelines outlined in this article:
Forbidden Message Categories in the US and Canada (Short Code, Toll-Free, and Long Code)