Each person in the site must be classified with a Person Type. Person Types will set if a person is an adult, child or some other relationship. Accounts must have at least one person on an account classified as an adult, and can have no more than two people classified as adults. If there are no adults or more than two, the account will not work correctly.
To setup your Person Types in the system you will want to go to My Lists from the Admin Menu and the Select Person Types from the drop down provided. You will then be prompted with the following screen:
- Name - what the person type is called. ShulCloud has default person types, but you can rename or merge them however you'd like.
- Gender - set if someone with this person type is, by default, male, female, N/A or unspecified. You can always adjust the gender of someone independent of their person type.
- People of this type are - where you control if this person is an adult, child or other. PLEASE REMEMBER that you must have at least one person on an account that is an adult and can have no more than two adults on an account.
- IF OTHER - you can specify the relationship that this person has to the primary adult of the account.