Once an account has been added, you can add more people. To do that, go to the account - you can click either "Add Person" under Actions, or click on the People tab and click Add:
When you click "Add" you will see a profile with five different sections where you can add information:
- Personal: All of the user's personal information. The Login Email address and password can be set here, as well as the person type, Hebrew name, and various lifecycle dates. The First Name field is required.
- Contact Info: You can add cell phone and other phone numbers. This tab will also show the various mailing lists that they could be subscribed to, either by email or paper mail.
- Business: A place to track a work address and/or phone.
Permissions: Where you can add or remove their person or admin permissions. The person permissions are:
- Login: Allows the user to log in to the site. They must have a valid email address.
- Billing: Gives the user access to their transaction history, plus allows them to receive billing statements and make account payments.
- Administer Family: Allows them to see the other people on their account, plus add, edit or remove them, plus add, remove or edit yahrzeits for the account.
- Other: Various other fields, like a place to track a school name and/or grade level, add notes, tags, as well as how to mark someone as deceased.