Basic information
- Please email all your files to: It is very important to type on the email subject line: Payable OR Prepaid. Do not combine payables and prepaids into one email.
- Please use G/L codes NOT descriptions.
- Prepaid instructions will be emailed separately from your AP specialist.
Preparing the PAYABLE files, on email subject line - Payables:
- Label pages that that need to be processed together, 1 of however many pages. This tells us what pages go together, this is especially helpful with check request forms that have back up.
- Write the GL code number on the 1st page.
- If it’s not clear, please circle or write on the invoice the amount to be paid or indicate the amount to be paid on the first page of the invoice/bill.
- Please fill out a Check Request Form for all reimbursements OR if an invoice isn’t clear OR if you are paying from a contract. Your account specialist will provide a blank one.
When you hire new companies or individuals, please ask for their completed W9 form and submit using the Kesef 2.0 Communications Form. You should have the W9 form before submitting the 1st invoice. Once a vendor is paid, it can be difficult to get them to submit the form.