Recurring payments enable users to set up automated payments on the site, either as split payments to settle an account balance, a donation, or as indefinite donations. Congregants can set up recurring payments using their saved payment methods on the account. Payment types that can set up recurring payment plans are:
- Credit Card
- ACH/e-Check - requires validation through micro deposits or Plaid
Before You Begin
By default, the system is set to split payments into 60 installments. Ensure the payment gateway(s) has been configured for the preferred number of installments a payment can be split into.
Set Up Recurring Payments
1. Navigate to the payments/donate page (EX: and select an account.
2. From the 'Pay this amount' dropdown menu, select a payment split option:
- Once Now - Make a one-time payment immediately.
- Once Later - Schedule a one-time payment with a future date.
- Indefinitely - Set the frequency of the payments as well as the start date.
Or select from the payment installment frequency and increment dropdowns.
3. Click 'Continue'
4. Choose previously added saved payment method. Select 'Confirm and Continue'
Or Select + Add New Payment Method
Cancel or Update Payment Method on Recurring Payment
- On the account page select the Recurring Payments tab.
- View the recurring payment.
- Cancel subscription or update payment method.
- Add a New Payment Method: Credit Card and ACH/e-Check (How to)
- Online Payments: Recurring Payments (Reference)
- Gateway Settings