1. Log into your ShulCloud account
2. Admin Menu--> Merchant Application
3. Complete the Merchant Application
A. Most of this information is already pre-filled. If you’re created more than one merchant
account, please add a unique identifier in the “Short name for Statement” (3rd field)
field. For example, add “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund” or “RDF”.
5. Bank Account Information
A. Name on Bank Statement – the business name used on your bank account
B. Bank Name – this is the name of the bank where the synagogue has an account
C. Routing Number – this is the nine-digit number used to identify the bank
D. Account Number – this is the synagogue’s account number at the bank
E. Please be sure to click on the check box before proceeding
6. Controlling Officer Information
A. As noted in the above section a person who acts in one of the above referenced position
should complete all the fields. Please note that the name and address information need
to match the information associated with the Social Security number. Also, when
entering the Social Security number, the values are masked and not viewable. The
person who is providing the information will need to upload the front and back of a
photo ID, such as a state issued driver’s license. The images should be saved as a “JPG”
or “JPEG”. The form will not accept a “PDF” formatted file.
A. Scroll through the terms & conditions screen and click on the check box next to “Agree”
B. Click on “Sign Up Now” button
8. Application Approved
Your merchant application has been submitted and you should soon receive an email indicating
the merchant account has been created and a payment gateway established.