When beginning to prepare your tax letters the first area to check is your settings.
Click on Settings-Tax Mode:
None- Set for US Shuls
CAN-CRA Mode- Canadian Shuls
GBR-Gift Aid- UK Shuls (additional fees may apply)
Moving on to the next section of Tax Statements:
Are Unapplied Payments Deductible?: The first decision to make is whether to consider unapplied payments tax deductible. Note here that if you do decide to choose Yes and the donor chooses to apply the payment to a non tax deductible charge type next year then this will not revoke the tax credit that they received in the current year.
Skip Notes: You can choose whether to show the notes from the transaction or not.
Each Line is: Individual Payment (default)- This would list out all individual tax deductible payments line by line rather than a summary.
Charge Type Summary- This would group all payments by charge type.
Show Tax Deductible Components: Only Tax Deductible (can show Individual Payments or Charge Type Summary)- This would only show tax deductible payments on the tax statement.
Tax Deductible vs Non-Tax Deductible Components (Can only be used with Individual Payments)- This would show separate columns between tax deductible vs non-tax deductible payments.
Show Reversals on Tax Statement: Yes- this would show any reversals given for payments during the current year.
No- this would not show any reversals given for payments during the current year.
Label - Tax Deductible: The header for the tax deductible column when showing tax deductible vs non-tax deductible.
Label - Non-Tax Deductible: The header for the tax deductible column when showing tax deductible vs non-tax deductible.
Label - Total
My Lists
The first area you want to check in My Lists is Email Senders. On this screen you want to make sure that all email addresses are verifed (able to send mail in ShulCloud) and SES Verified (enrolled in our enhanced email delivery service). Is the SES Verified is False then please reach out to Support so that we can enroll your shul.
Now you want to head down to My Lists-Payment Types. In this area you can review the list to ensure you have the proper payment types listed. There is a checkbox for whether a payment type can be considered tax-deductible. If this box is not checked then it will not show up on the tax statement.
Finally, in My Lists, you want to head up to My Lists-Charge Types. Here you will focus on the Tax Letters section. This is where you will determine the amount of a payment that will show up on the letter as deductible vs non-tax deductible.
You are given the following choices:
None: Not tax deductible at all.
Completely: The entire payment is considered deductible.
Percentage: A percentage of the payment would be considered deductible.
Certain Amount: This would be used when there is a quantity involved like dinner tickets or other multiples. You would indicate the amount tax deductible per item.
All But Amount: This would be used when there is a quantity involved like dinner tickets or other multiples. You would indicate the amount not tax deductible per item.
Please note that all updates to charge types and payment types will be retroactive and impact all payments/charges in your database.
Individual Tax Statements
Now we are ready to generate individual tax statements for your donors. You can head to a donor's account and click Create Statement.
Then choose Tax Statement and indicate the dates you would like to show on the letter and then Preview Statement. This will update the statement preview for your review. If you are comfortable with the statement then you can choose Send Email to send an email to the donor or Generate PDF to produce a PDF which you can print or email to the donor on demand.
Mass Produce Tax Statements
When you are ready to preview tax statements for all donors or send to all of your donors then head to Admin Menu-Mail-Create New Mail and choose Tax Letters. We recommend starting in Paper Mail so that you can send a preview of all tax letters to yourself for review.
Step 2- You can choose Anyone With Tax Letter to bring in all eligible donors or use Advanced Targeting or One At A Time to target specific donors. (Note that anyone who is greyed out has an incorrect address that should be fixed).
Step 3. Options: You should insert the email address that you would like the PDF of tax statements sent to.
Step 4. Review: Once you click download, then you will receive an email once the Mail has completed running and you can review the letters for accuracy.
Once you feel confident that your letters are correct then you can go ahead and send out your letters via email or paper mail.