If you have enabled the option in your gateway (you can find more info here under "Payment Gateways"), you can allow users to come to the site and set up recurring payments - either a split payment to pay off an account balance or donation, or an indefinite donation.
To start, go to your payment page (yourdomain/payment.php). As an admin, you can make a payment on behalf of anyone's account:
Once you have selected the account, you'll see the total for the account balance (and if selecting allocations is available, you'll see what makes up the account balance).
After you have selected the amount you want to pay and what the payment is for, scroll down to "Pay this amount" and you'll see your various payment options:
The options from the drop down menu are:
- Once Now - to make a one-time payment now.
- Once Later - allows you to make a one-time payment on a later date.
- Indefinitely - to make ongoing payments for a donation.
Depending on your gateway settings, the site will allow you to split the payment in a number of different payments. So for our $900 account balance above, I could split this in to as many as 12 payments, which would automatically be divided into payments of $75.
When the option for the amount of times you want this payment to be made is selected, you can then choose the frequency of the payments, and when the first payment should start:
Once you click on continue to payment, your recurring payment plan will be set up.