Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security-enhancing practice of requiring a person to perform more than one step, beyond email and password, for example, when logging into a system.
There are two alternate avenues for people when things do not go as planned:
- "Try Another Way"
- "I need human help"
"Try Another Way"
If a site allows more than one mode of authentication, the person can choose to use another; for example, a person who uses Authenticator could use email if the registered device is not available.
- Person clicks "Try another way" link on the code entry screen.
- Person chooses a different authentication mode.
- Person completes authentication the other way.
"I need human help"
If a person has no access to any mode of authentication, the person can activate this option that will deliver a code via email to admins with the "Special: Change Password, Login as other Member" permission.
- The person checks the "I need human help to enter verification code (office hours only)" checkbox before submitting email address and password.
- The system emails a verification code to admins with the password permission noted above.
- The admin communicates the verification code to the person.
Related Resources
- Multi-Factor Authentication (Feature Overview)
- Multi-Factor Authentication Verification Mode: Email (Topic)
- Multi-Factor Authentication Verification mode: Authentication App (Topic)
- Multi-Factor Authentication Settings (Overview)
- Multi-Factor Authentication Settings (Reference)
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Authenticator App (Overview)
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Audit Log
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Code Emails
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Log in as User
- Multi-Factor Authentication: Login Links
- Multi-Factor Authenication: "Remember Me"